The Tour of Cambridgeshire is an authentic, worlds largest time trial cycling event unlike any
others. It took place on fully closed roads, around the stunning Cambridgeshire countryside during the
weekend of the 3rd and 4th of June 2017.

The astonishing view of the terrain allows you to feel like a
professional from start to finish. The event consists of two trials, Chrono which is 17.4 miles and
Gran Fondo, which in English translates as the “Big Ride” and consists of 80.8 miles. It caters for
everyone whether you are an elite racer, an athletic sports rider, a challenge rider, or just out to test
yourself in a more leisurely way on your bike and attracted 10,000 riders this year.
Clinic4Sport therapists are feeling honoured to be able to treat aches and pains of those who participated and wishes to take this opportunity to congratulate the winners of each UCI as they have qualified for the
World Championships!