Clinic4sport work very closely with a variety of orthopaedic surgeons and consultants, and where necessary will refer you for a consultation. They have a wealth of experience, and their specialised skill sets lie in Sports injuries, whether in professional or recreational athletes of all ages.

Clinic4sport feel it is often best to avoid surgery where appropriate, however it is sometimes unavoidable, therefore we want you to be in the safest hands.  

Mr Simon Thompson

Orthopaedic Surgeon

MBBS BSc(Hons) MSc MRCS(Eng) FRCS(Tr&Orth) PgCert PgDip

Mr Simon Thompson is an internationally renowned consultant orthopaedic knee surgeon based in London and Surrey. He is known for his expertise in ACL reconstruction, meniscal injuries, complex ligament reconstruction, soft tissue injuries of the knee and total and partial knee replacement procedures, amongst other areas of knee surgery. Additionally, he specialises in anterior knee pain in athletes.

Medical procedures:

  • Anterior cruciate ligament
  • Arthroscopic meniscectomy
  • Knee arthroscopy
  • Knee surgery
  • Osteotomy

Mr Thompson’s illustrious career began with a firm academic foundation when he was awarded a bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degree from Imperial College London in 2003. He additionally completed a masters in surgical technology and orthopaedics in 2005 and was appointed member of Royal College of Surgeons of England in the same year. He was awarded the prestigious surgical fellowship with the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Mr Thompson has continued to hone his practice by pursuing further education, completing a postgraduate research degree in 2014 and additional diplomas in computer-navigated knee arthroplasty.

Mr Thompson is lead for research at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust additionally reviews publications for the American Journal of Sports Medicine. He is also a leading educator for fellow doctors as well as medical trainees and has held the position of honorary senior clinical lecturer at Imperial College London since 2015.

Mr Thompson’s expertise, particularly his work on ACL, has been recognised with a number of international prizes including Best Paper Award at the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. He is a member of numerous prestigious medical associations and is one of very few to be honoured as an international member of the Australian Knee Society. His experience and excellence in his field have made him a leading name in knee surgery and he has treated professional footballers, elite rugby players and Olympic athletes with knee issues